Monday 31 May 2010

Here is summer.

Well I'm home until September, doesn't it feel great?
Hardly. I already miss some people, and more than anything else my freedom. Without that I've already lost all motivation. I have no idea what I'm going to do for these four months. I always start out summer with the best intentions but in reality I'm likely to spend half of my time in bed (I will literally sleep for 12 hours at a time, meaning I could potentially spend two months in bed...).
For some reason I've realised that when I'm at home I need my mother to force me to do things, but I do fully intend to do some artwork, eat less, go to the gym, visit friends, do my festival job, buy a bass, learn to play the bass and finish every game on my N64. Of course with the internet at my fingertips, why bother? Who cares if you're a fat social retard online? Pfft.
Summer would be better if I was still at uni...Of course then I'd complain about the work but who needs FOUR MONTHS off?

PIC RELATED: It's my house on streetview.


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