Friday 28 May 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks.

If there's one thing I love, it's abandoned anything. Seems Vice does too. You can call me a hipster all you want but I didn't tell them to write about things I like did I?


I'm so morbid, I kinda hoped there would be dead fish in there.
When I was younger my dad decided it would be a great idea to take us to the Earth Centre in Doncaster, which was some sort of wacky environmental theme park, but when we got there is was all empty and closed down. The world just wasn't ready for an environmental theme Doncaster. I kinda wish I could go back there and take some photos but apparently it's being redeveloped.
I remember that day, we went to Sheffield for the day instead and laughing all the way there in the car. It's weird how these things have an impact on my adult thinking.


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