Thursday 3 December 2009

Royal Doulton

The old Royal Doulton building is representative of the ghost of the pottery industry in Stoke-on-Trent- the conurbation of SoT is known as the Potteries and each smaller town within the city was built up around pottery.
Anyway, I was supposed to be in Burslem looking at haunted sites but I happened upon this, and now my main aim is to do some site specific art around this area. Of course I'll probably change my mind when it comes down to actually doing it.
With conceptual art, I'm far too indecisive, maybe because there are so many possibilities compared to the visual stuff I did last year and forever.
What I really wish I could do is break in there and throw light reflective paint everywhere and then do some long exposures. That would be totally awesome, but me, breaking into an abandoned site? I don't think so somehow.
I need to think long and hard about this.



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